Lunch and Snack Tour the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and Washington D.C.

Aug.-Sept., 2011 ~~ PART II


"Wow! It's the real Capitol!"

"Yes Snack, this is where it all happens. The seat of government!"

berlin wall

"Gosh Lunch, did this really keep people contained? Sure looks pretty small."

The cows examine an authentic piece of the Berlin Wall on display at the Newseum - a museum dedicated to the news industry.


The next stop was the National Air and Space Museum, part of the extensive Smithsonian Institution of museums and research centers. Lunch and Snack pose in front of a mock up of the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft.


This is an authentic X-15 aircraft at the Air and Space Museum. It carried men to the edge of space before the era of orbital space flight.


The next stop was the Smithsonian Natural History Museum where the cows looked at a set of mastodon bones.

"Snack, didn't we see one of these at La Brea Tar Pits in California?"

"Yes, but this one is cleaner."


For a taste of Americana, Lunch and Snack visited the Smithsonian American History Museum where they found a display of artifacts on the historic Route 66. The exhibit included a piece of the real roadway taken from the old highway in Oklahoma.


"Looks like a lot of cherubs, Lunch."

The cows strolled the galleries of the National Gallery of Art for a sample of the world's greatest masterpieces.


"Now there's a man larger than life."

"That's Thomas Jefferson. We were just at his house a few days ago and this is his memorial, Lunch."


The cows continue their tour of monuments and memorials with a visit to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial near the west end of the National Mall.

"That was his dog, Fala."


"This is a very iconic place, Lunch."

The cows work through the crowds of people visiting the Lincoln Memorial in a place of honor at the very end of the Mall.

"We saw a statue of him back in Kansas, didn't we Snack?"


Lunch and Snack stopped by the newest of the the D.C. monuments, this one dedicated to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. The site was popular, despite not having been officially dedicated yet when the cows were there.


No visit to the District of Columbia would be complete without a visit to the Washington Monument - the tallest structure in the district. Unfortunately, an earthquake two weeks before damaged the obelisk and it was closed to visitors and cows alike.


Lunch and Snack wrap up their visit to the capital with a trip to the National Archives, home to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. No one was allowed to take photographs inside, so the cows had to show their delight on the front steps of the building.

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