Lunch and Snack Tour the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and Washington D.C.

Aug.-Sept., 2011 ~~ PART I


The cows' first stop in Virginia was Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.

"Lunch? Where have I seen this place before?"

"On the back of the nickel, Snack."


The traveling bovines checked out Cades Cove in Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the Tennessee side. This is the John Oliver cabin, one of many rustic old buildings in the valley.


"It's an old Methodist Church, Lunch, built in 1902. Neat, huh?"


Lunch and Snack stop by Clingmans Dome and decide to walk up to the observation tower, the highest point in the Smoky Mountains - 6,643 feet above sea level.


"Wow, Snack. What a great view. You can see for a gazillion miles!"


The cows visited Congaree National Park in South Carolina. It's the largest tract of old growth bottomland hardwood forest left in the United States. Congaree was designated as an International Biosphere Reserve in 1983.


Lunch and Snack pause at the Pineapple Fountain at Waterfront Park in Charleston, S.C.

It looked like a nice place to take a dip.


"I'm sure glad WE don't have to pull that buggy, Lunch!"


"Wow. That's pointy!"

"It's Saint Philip's Episcopal Church and has the oldest religious congregation in all of South Carolina."


The cows wait to board the Spirit of the Lowcountry for an excursion to Fort Sumter National Monument.


"The first shots of the Civil War were fired right into this place, Lunch."

"Yeah, Snack. On April 12, 1861."


This is a palmetto tree at Fort Moultrie, part of Fort Sumter National Monument. The tree is the state symbol of South Carolina because the original Fort Moultrie was made from palmetto wood that repelled British cannon balls during the American Revolutionary War.



"Hey Lunch! It's Pedro!"

The cows visit the South of the Border truck stop and amusement park just south of the border between North and South Carolina on Interstate 95. It had more souvenirs than you could swish a tail at!


With a bovine's-eye view of the road, Lunch and Snack cross the causeway of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The crossing was once one of the Seven Wonders of the Engineering World.


The cows stop in at the Assateague visitor center before crossing the bridge to the Maryland portion of Assateague Island National Seashore, home to the world famous wild ponies.


"Do you think he likes sugar cubes?"


Lunch and Snack look at a wild pony and a colt from the safety of the basket of a "Pony Patrol" bicycle on Assateague Island.

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