Lunch and Snack roam around Oregon ~ August, 2008.

oregon map

Lunch and Snack plan their next trip around Oregon, the Beaver State.

"Where are we off to now, Lunch?"

zig zag river

The first stop is the Zig Zag River at a nice little campground, not far from Mount Hood.

reflections newspaper

Lunch tries to get a closer look at the Crater Lake National Park newspaper, "Reflections," to plan their visit.

"Where should we go, Snack?"

crater lake overview

The cows get a great overlook of Crater Lake from along the rim. The island to the right is Wizard Island. The lake itself is 1,943 feet deep, the deepest lake in the United States and the seventh deepest lake in the whole world!

lake edge

Sitting lakeside, Lunch and Snack wait for their excursion boat to take them around Crater Lake.

phantom ship island

The boat glides past Phantom Ship Island on Crater Lake, one of the most famous features on the tour.

tillamook cheese factory

"Wow, Lunch! You mean we can make this stuff???"

tillamook factory floor

The cows take a tour though Tillamook cheese factory and watch as great chunks of cheddar roll along conveyor belts on the factory floor.

flo the cow

Flo, the mascot cow at Tillamook, greets Lunch and Snack in the lobby.

"Lunch? Why is Flo all wet?"

"Because she lives in Oregon, Snack."

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