Time for a road trip through the Rocky Mountain West.

August 2018

On the road in Snoqualmie Pass, heading off to points east.


Lunch and Snack stop at an overlook of the Columbia River at Vantage, Wash. Wildfire smoke gave the bridge over the river a ghostly appearance.


"Ride 'em cowboy!"

The intrepid bovines climbed up a hillside for a close-up look at a collection of metal stallions high above the river at Vantage. The sculpture, created by artist David Govedare to celebrate the Washington State centennial, is titled "Grandfather Cuts Loose the Ponies."


Spokane Falls in downtown Spokane was nice place to visit, but the bovines didn't want to live there.


Lunch and Snack take time out from the road to sample the wares of Radio Brewing in Kellogg, Idaho. The establishment followed a theme of old-time radio and '60s-era music.


"Gosh, Lunch. This looks so retro."

The bovines park for the night at the Thunder Bird Motel in Missoula, Mont., in preparation for a jaunt to northwest Wyoming.


"And here we are!"


The cows arrive at Yellowstone National Park's north entrance in Gardiner, Mont. The iconic Roosevelt Arch greeted them at the park boundary.

"Hey Snack. This was built in 1903 by the U.S. Army with the cornerstone laid by President Theodore Roosevelt."

On the outer side of the arch, the inscription at the top reads "For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People."


Encountering their first of the park's hydrothermal features, the cows visit Mammoth Hot Springs at the north end of Yellowstone. It was created of travertine over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited calcium carbonate over a series of terraces.


The springs are a featured attraction of Yellowstone's historic northern gateway.


Lunch and Snack spy their first bison on their visit to Yellowstone.

"I know he's a fellow bovine, Lunch, but I suppose we should keep our distance because he doesn't know us."

"You're probably right."


Bison are scattered across the park, often walking along the roadways, oblivious to passing cars.


Lunch and Snack arrive at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone to witness the lower falls of the Yellowstone River. It is one of three waterfalls in the area and one of the easiest to view.


Arriving at their campground, Lunch and Snack admire a pair of beers inspired by the mountains of northwest Wyoming.

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